


Mic Kon-CellGroup Leader!

Shannon-SmallGroup Leader!





Munho- 01March96
Mickon- 18March90
Liyuan- 20March92
Zoe- 28March96

Tom- 1May94
Serene- 16May93
Corrinne- 26may94


Jieying- 16sept94
Shannon- 17sept92
Tiffany- 22sept92

Ruth- 4oct93

Mavis- 18Nov94
Rory- 10Nov93
Vanessa- 23Nov94

Esther- 01dec93
Kelvin- 30dec93



July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
April 2010



Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hey all.
As we read this post lets pray against discouraging thoughts for Yuri so that he will come this saturday!
Come on people around Singapore, pray pray! =)
If you are playing game, pray!
If you are doing nothing, pray!
If you are doing homework, pray!
If you are studying, pray!
If you just came across this blog, pray!
If you read this post, pray!
If you are human, pray!

Any short and sweet prayer would do :D
God is a prayer-answering God, amen?
Father Lord I hand Yuri into Your hands, I pray Lord that You will take away any discouraging thoughts. I pray Lord that Yuri will come this saturday and in Jesus Name, Amen! =DD

Last Updated @ 8:15 PM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

hey guys dun be sad when you see this news i'm sorry to say that "our chalat is cancelled off"because of the dec time is too packed so it is needed to to be cancelled but dun be sad we'll still have plenty of time to have chalat so we'll sure have time for it so let pray that it would be as soon as possible and we'll have a even better venue of the next time and even a cheaper price =D and we'll have a real fun time there so let all look forward to the super fun chalat haha but actully it should not be said as cancel but instead as postpone to the other day ya =D
guess who =D

Last Updated @ 11:21 PM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D

Sunday, August 26, 2007

*this is the first picture ever uploaded on salt one blog! :)

The double-storey chalets are fully furbished with ...

  • Living room set with TV and games table
  • Dining room
  • 4 air-conditioned bedrooms furbished with beds (1 queen-sized and 6 single-sized)
  • Wardrobe
  • Dresser
  • Bedside table
  • Wall fan
  • 4 toilets /bath with shower heater
  • BBQ pit
  • Fully equipped kitchen

Last Updated @ 12:52 PM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D

hey salt 1!
here to inform you that there will be a nissi salt 1 chalet,2 day 1 night!
Aloha Changi Chalet G!https://www.aloharesorts.com.sg/booking/chalet/chaletDetails.asp?lid=11
10th dec-11 th dec(tentative,means,may change)
the reason why we choose this date is because 5dec,come back from MISSION TRIP!den,5 more days,CHALET!den another 7 more days(18th dec),YI CAMP'07!!it will be a really great time getting tgt so many days!
how to get there??!!??
no worries!
dun worry abt money!God will make a way for it if God wants us to get tgt to know each other more!
if you all cant stay overnight,please comment in this blog entry or contact me at 94359038!
(dun spam me please XD)
hope that everyone will be able to go for this chalet and have a fun trip!!God Bless You All!!=)
this chalet is jointly organised by -censored- and -censored-=)
the phone number is junyi's de.

Last Updated @ 12:43 AM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D

Saturday, August 25, 2007

& remember!
turn our doubts to ques
& ques to prayers
& prayers to GOD



Last Updated @ 11:49 PM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D

Thursday, August 23, 2007

hey everyone!how are you all doing?hope you all are doing well!
today,i wanna ask you all to even start to pray for some ppl in the cell!
pray for WEILIANG,his A lvls is so near,and even start to pray that the Lord will provide him with the knowledge,with the strength to even study.and lets all pray that weiliang will put his best effort in!
pray for MICKON,her promos is just round the corner!pray that she will even cope.pray that she will score good results in her sch to be good testimony for God.and even through that,it can be a platform for her to share to her frens!=)
pray for DAWEI,i know he nvr come,but i just wan you all to pray for his N lvls!he is studying so hard for it!pray that he will cope with the stress,pray that he will even do it for God!
pray for ESTHER,JUNYI,AUDRIC,KELVIN,ANN,JUNZE,EDSON,YURI,SERENE even for their small streaming this year!pray that they will study hard.and even get into the subs they wan!=)
and for the rest,pray for the sec 3s,SHANNON,JOHNATHAN,STANLEY,LIYUAN,TIFFANY,SAMUEL for their exams,that it will be easy for them,they will even study hard for it!
pray for the pri 5s,MUNHO and ZOE for their primary sch exams,pray that they will cope and he will even get to good classes!
pray for the sec 1s,JIEYING,TOM,MAVIS,WEIXUAN,INGING,JUN KAI for their common test that they will cope well!
sorry if i nvr put your name in coz i duno what sec are you in!

Last Updated @ 8:23 PM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D

Monday, August 20, 2007

hey people

Do u all know where do fighting, hateing or even scolding vulgarities comes from? it comes from satan not from God, God is the 9 fruits of the spirit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in (Gal 5:22-23) and our world is full of violence because everyone have anger so we as a christian should control our anger we should have self-control and so lets work on it together to get off all our anger away and having the fruit of the spirit in us to show non-christian than we can really be the light of the world and shine the darkness off them!!! so that they will be in the light too with us. =)
guess who? hehe =)

Last Updated @ 9:28 PM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D

Guess what?







Prayer M

Prayer Me

Prayer Mee

Prayer Meet

Prayer Meeti

Prayer Meetin


This Wednesday, tentative time is 3.30pm, waiting place at Yew Tee Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Station. (haha) We're gonna hold it at my house, of course. Please inform your small group leaders if you can't make it at that time and maybe we can push it forward so that we can have all who are able to come, come.

So prepare your hearts before you come!

What to expect: Praise and worship, prayer, and for God to move. :)

Let's pray our hearts out man.

-Mic Kon

Last Updated @ 5:31 PM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Awesome testimonies because of the AWESOME God we have, amen?

So glad to hear so many testimonies from you guys, rmb to live up to your name as salt and light of this earth!

And, keep those testimonies coming ya. Any prayer requests, post it up here too. And know that by praying for each other, we are keeping our unity in Jesus, the head of this cell. YEAH~

Keep 'em coming, keep 'em comin!


Last Updated @ 5:15 PM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I had inter-house basketball today! :D
My house was the over-all losing team.
Well, doesn't matter to me heh.
I'm blogging here to tell you what happen.
Last time when the ball doesn't chop or go in the basket, a vulgarity will flash through my mind. LOL.
But today, I was suprised that not one vulgarity appear in my mind.

Actually its nothing much............
To those who are still fighting this: Go go.
Heh. =)
God will give you strength to stop your vulgarities. Ho.

Posted by:

Last Updated @ 11:26 PM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D

Monday, August 13, 2007

why, hellos!
[you can guess who am i from that statement already huh!]
if not, too bad.
find clues along the way.

i shall tell you a story.

so, i was finding my calculator..
and i walked into my sis room
(clue#1 i have a sis!)
and so, i did not manage to find my calculator...
i stumbled upon
audition installation cd

i looked.
i walked away
i went back to my room
sat down.
got up.
went to my sis room
took that cd
(clue#2 who types like that?)

on my laptop..
put the cd in....
while halfway thru installation
i thought.
i think.
the Holy Spirit PROMPTED me
in my heart
i feel this...i duno-kind of feeling.

i pluck up the courage, and...
i press CANCEL
and...my msn suddenly can sign in
&& i felt...joy
a wide smile appeared on my face!

i dont know bout you, but i think its something im proud of
(clue#3 who uses that kind of smiley?)
for you background info, ive been curious bout audi for a long time.

if youve guessed shannon, you are RIGHT
and yes, shannon has an urge to play online games too
i aint perfect
Jesus is!


Last Updated @ 7:10 PM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D

Sunday, August 12, 2007

hello hello hello! first time blogging here!

haha sorry always never post up anything 'cos seldom come online and when i did i forgot the user and pass :/

i just wanna say (a lot of things):

1. National Day Prayer & Fast
I'm so glad all of you came! And you know, that prayer and fast session was the only time that food kept popping up in my head. Long John Silver's, Ang Ku Kueh, Ice Cream, Beauty World's Set 2, Char Kuay Teow, and soooo much more. I tell you, it was so tiring. But you know what? I'm so glad each one of us pressed on because if we don't cry out to God for our family, schools and nations, who will?

Ezra 8:23
So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer.

2. Ice breaker and Praise and worship
Like I said, do put in effort to serve God even in this ministry! You're not just anyhow given the responsibility, so do it with joy, with enthusiasm, and with God's guidance! This joy, enthusiasm will definitely spread to the entire cell group and we can go home thinking that we had a wonderful time in God's presence.

1 Corinthians 15:58
Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

3. Cell group as a whole
I'm really glad for each and every one of YOU and really happy to see you guys every Saturday. But I wanna remind you guys never be too preoccupied until you forget what a cell group is meant for. And that is to multiply, to make disciples, to grow. And that's why I'm thankful to see Zoe recieve tongues, James recieve tongues; I'm happy to see Triston, Ziyi and Jerica feel at home here with Nissi Salt One. I'm happy to see even when you all do catering duty you put in your whole heart and soul into it and do your best. It's time like these I know Nissi Salt One is what God wants us to be.

So as much as we look out for each other and enjoy each other, never forget that our unity is in Christ, the head of the body. Never forget the purpose of this cell group, never forget that this cell group is for Him. Ya?

Acts 2:46-47
Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

This is my heart for all of us.

Yup, naggy Mic Kon is done for now. So please, keep all these in mind yeaah! God blessssss you all. :D

All the best to those still having common tests! Study hard for God and let's hear testimonies during small group! And don't forget to put this week's sermon into practice. Don't go on being discouraged and don't even realise it. Encourage each other, that helps too :D

Last Updated @ 11:30 AM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D

Saturday, August 11, 2007

since we all know that ppl thrives on encouragement, all the more we should encourage!!


Last Updated @ 11:56 PM

&1thess 5:16 says be joyful always! =D