28/6/08 sermon--4th commandment: Give Me A Break!
Day of Sabbath
what's Sabbath?
1>A day of
commeration}looking back at what you have done throughout the week
-Deut 5:4-15
>>Creation and redemption
Sabbath is also a day to remember with gratitude.
2>A day of
>God created the heavens and the earths but on the seventh day,He rested. Not because He needed it, but because to set an example for us.
>Our Bodies are not build for non-stop work.
-example from ps. daniel: boy who plays 72hrs computer and dies.
>A person who rest a lot/does not rest is a sign of immaturity.
>God wants you to work. Not taking Sabbath as a excuse.
-2 Thess 3:10
>If you dont have time for church/God,you are going too fast. You may shoot yourself down.
-e.g from ps. daniel:the 1st time pilot who shoots cannon and uses the supersonic speed.
-Lev 25:20-22
-Psa 81:6
>Do we trust Him enough?
>When we houour God,He will honour us.
3>A day of
consecration>a day to set apart from the world-be holy.
Sabbath-day where we should be taken out from the rat race,check on ourselves.
>How do we keep our Sabbath holy?
>Focus on Him.>Skill comes from the correct but seemingly mundane actions.The same is true of godliness
>eg from ps. daniel: movie Karate kid.
our survival is not depended on physically strong,but how strong inwardly we are.4>A day of
commitment-Exo 31:12-13
1st>by ceasing work show that we trust God.
>eg from ps. daniel: 7th day Sabbath,7th year Sabbath,49th year Sabbath
2nd>showing our commitment to God with His people.
Above is notes for 28/06/08 sermon.my apologies if any verses/examples/spellings are wrong,hope that this will help you recap if you have not copied down notes.