6/9/08-Thou shall not covet-Ps daniel
-Exodus 20:17
>Whatever you put into the atmosphere will affect everybody.
>Covetting- wants something hat does not belong to you.
"This catalogue's got a lot of toys I didn't even know i wanted"-Dennis the Menace
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>To covet- go for things that does not belong to you.
- grasp for more because someone has it.
>Bible is NOT against desire or ambition
-1 kings 8:58
What's wrong with covetting?1: It is a IDOLATRY.
-Colossians 3:5
[i]We let things become centre of our
hearts and not God.
[ii]We let things become centre of our
minds and not God.
[iii]We let things become centre of our
wills and not God.
2: It leads to OTHER SINS.
>Covetting is never satisfied.
-Mark 7:14-23
3: It STOPS us from being GENEROUS.
>It is more blessed to give than to receive.
>Christians should be a blessing to the world.
>Disatisfied people=discontented people=people who covet.
-Ecclesiastes 1:1-3
>Naked we come,naked we go.
>we work whol day just to have the privilege to hold something.
-Matthew 6:19-21
How can we change?1: Be aware of the danger of covetting.
>The heart of human problems is the human heart.
[i]What are my main desires?
[ii]Are they good or bad desires?
[iii]To what extent do there desires control how I live, how I realte to others and how I spend my money?
[iv]Do I believe that having these desires granted would give me contentment?
[v]What are our priorities?
[vi]What should it be?
2: Re-align our desires.
> Contentment kills coveting in the same way coveting kills contentment.
> It is a WANT and not a NEED.
3: We need to keep our hearts in shape.
[i]Contempt for covetousness - remind the emptiness you would face if you covet.
[ii]Acquire an attitude or gratitude
-Philippians 4:11
[iii]Be wise stewards
[iv]Focus on relationship - MOST important
>Our money is useless, it is the relationship with God that holds us through.
comments: impactful sermon :)