18/10/08- Living your life to it's fullest- Ps Song
> Life is very short.
> It's important how to live your life.
> You are FORTUNATE.
- Genesis 1:26-27
> God don't want you to fail, but be born of a victor and not a loser.
> God has given you a lot of potential.
> No one on eath is an useless person.
- Colossians 1:15
> It is only when a person is in God, then he is living his life to the fullest.
- John 10:10
Do you want to live your life to the fullest? (continue if only you wish to)
1) Clear goal in your life.
> If you do not have a clear goal, you will never be able to live your life to the fullest.
- Philippians 3:13-15
2) Start dreaming (
dreaming is free, so dream big)> Everything in the whole world begins with dreaming.
> Dreaming is the best gift of life.
> Never say that it is impossible.
> Nuture your dream.
3) Remove all your negative elements in your life.
> Negative thinking, attitude, past experience.
> It will hinder you in fulfilling.
> Fear.
How to change?i] Locate negative elements.ii] Remove it. (in the name of Jesus, ....)iii] Replace with the word of God (bible, memory verses)this is only half of the sermon, there are 7 points to living your life to the fullest, another 4 will be covered soon. God bless.-edited-
Part 2(living life to it's maximum) - Ps Song - 25/10/08
> God did not created you to struggle in life, but be a blessing to people.
in continuation of pt 1: Ephesians 3:20
>There's no point to think about the past
> Dwell on positive things. Learn the lesson, and move foward.
4) Have faith in order for dreams to come true.
- Mark 9:23
> Build up your faith in God.
> The LORD train me to have faith.
> If you can believe, all things are possible for you.
- Romans 10:8
> Faith must be in your heart and mouth.
> If faith is lacking in either one, it will be useless.
- Matthew 17:20
> Life and death is in your tongue.
> Watch your words.
5) Your character will eventually let you live your life to the fullness or to destroy you.
- Proverbs 3:11-12
> Discipline is an act of love.
> The LORD mould your character through people around you.
> Say right things at the right time.
> 2 wrongs doesnt equals to 1 right.
> You are enjoying unfairness all the times.
6) Be careful of what you are sowing into your life.
-2 Corinthians 9:6
> You are who you are because of the meditation in the past.
7) Remember to seize the opportunity
(opportunity doesn't knock twice)> Live your life well, because you only get to live once.
> Face your past without regrets,
for life is wonderful.
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